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Certificate Of Rail Agent Competency - CORAC

The Certificate of Rail Agent Competency (CORAC) is RDG’s online training qualification for travel agents.

CORAC is a new approach to training and is a move away from traditional classroom style training in favour of a self-study approach with exams taken online within agents’ own offices.

The ability for candidates to take their exam online has many benefits, not least in terms of cost savings to agencies and TMCs as there is no loss in productivity as candidates do not need any time out of the office. Moving the exams online makes the training accessible to all rail agency staff.

CORAC consists of 3 exams; 1 National Rail exam and 2 Train Operating Company (TOC) exams, currently from a choice of 7 participating TOCs.

Qualification is a licensing requirement and so each office must obtain a minimum of 2 team members, or 20% of the office whichever the greater, holding the CORAC qualification.